Writing is hard. I’ve been writing in this blog since 2011, when posts were still written in Portuguese - those have since been deleted. It hasn’t gotten any easier after nearly 15 years. Posts still take hours to be written, proofread and double-checked before being published. On top of that, much of the energy I have to write longer chunks of text is spent on project documentation, issues and pull request descriptions, both in and out of work-related duties. The result is that posts on this blog are becoming rare - this is the first one for the entire year.

But it doesn’t need to always be like that. Not every piece of advice or knowledge I’d like to share needs to be in a long blog article format. Sometimes I discover something useful, either through my own exploration or based on someone else’s experience, and I share it with close friends with a small comment of a few sentences. This happens on Slack workspaces, WhatsApp groups or even in direct messages. In the end, I thought: what if I write this for the wider internet and share the link with the same people, instead of writing directly to them?

Based on the concept of “blogmarks”, where small blog posts are used to share links that, in a distant past, would be bookmarked to del.icio.us, I started Myhro Notes. There’s usually one or two short paragraphs adding context, explaining why the link is interesting. They are listed by date, like a blog, but only the title is visible on the home page. The posts themselves will eventually be available on search engines. I expect my future self to be one of its users looking for content posted there.